Nave's Topical Index of The Bible - Introduction

1. How to use...
It is not hard to understand how to use this Nave's Topical Index of The Bible. Go to the links bar, at the bottom and select the letter of the word you wish to look for. Click in the word, available at the list, on the left side of the screen aqnd it will show a page with contents.

When reading a text you can press CTRL + F to find words.

Nave's Topics were originally produced by Orville J. Nave, A.M., D.D., LL.D. while serving as a Chaplin in the United States Army. He referred to this work as "the result of fourteen years of delightful and untiring study of the Word of God." Nave's Topics were originally published in the early 1900's. The title page states that this work consists of 20,000+ topics and subtopics, and 100,000 references to the Scriptures.

2. Refference Links
The links of every definition points to a King James Version Bible.

3. About the Nave's Topical Index

I got the text source code of Nave's Topical Index from Alpha & Omega Mach -
The webmaster of this site also made some changes that are explainde below:

These topics were created from an existing electronic copy which was being sold commercially and contained so many errors as to render it nearly useless. After contacting the business in question, and discussing the copyrightability of Public Domain material, they concurred that the actual data, separate from the program and format they created, is Public Domain. The text has since been passed through a series of programs searching for a variety of error patterns, as well as visual spot checking. It is believed the present material is greater than 99% clean, although a printed copy should be consulted if questions arise. Great care was taken to remove any non-original material, resulting in completely Public Domain data original to Dr. Nave.

The latest electronic copy of these files has been converted to an HTML format which can be used with various Web browsers.

It should be noted that a very small number of topic references were unable to be resolved. These topics are:
flail, forsaking God, gifts,gnat, implements, mathematics, messianic, psalms, purse, proselytes, rhetoric, saffron and schism

These topics are not listed in the printed edition and it is not apparent what Dr. Nave intended. It should also be noted that a fair number of verse reference lists have the word "with" embedded in order to tie one verse to the following verse(s).

The most current and correct copy of this Bible can be obtained from The Bible Foundation. If you find any errors in our copy, please let us know and check their site to see if a revised copy has been posted there.

Our Changes

Extensive HTML was added to provide verse links. Certain reordering of indentations was performed where it was not clear where the original was supposed to be indented.

Our HTML markup of the above documents is placed in the public domain subject to the following conditions:

  1. The entire HTML representation of the above works (the source of the Nave's Topical Bible) may be copied for personal private use as needed. These copied files may be distributed to individuals as long as the copies are distributed without change and without financial profit subject to the following exceptions. It is permitted to charge a small fee for recovering any nominal costs for media and copying. If you don't wish to provide equivalents of the scripts which serve up notes for certain references or provide special unadorned versions of the text, the HTML links can be changed as needed to reference the topic texts directly.

  2. The gif images associated with our home web page, the gospel message web page, and our doctrine page are unregistered trademarks of our website, and should be changed if redistributed to other parties, unless their HTML links are modified to point to the original pages. The other gifs are modified from public domain sources and can be reused or changed as desired.

  3. If you wish to post any of the HTML pages to a web site or bulletin board, we ask that you publish exact copies of the pages without modification to the original text. If errors need to be corrected, please notify us so we can correct our master copies. As with any publication, a reference to our site should accompany the posting. This is primarily to ensure that if any mistakes are found by any viewer, we can correct our master copies as well.

Enjoy studying God's Word

4. Contact
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